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Интересные задания
What is Sanscrit?
19. Sanskrit is one of the oldest known Indic languages, with examples of Vedic Sanskrit dating back to approximately 1500 BCE and possibly even earlier eras which are difficult to determine because the language __________________ long before it was written. SPEAK
20. The word “Sanskrit” __________________ in several different ways, as “complete,” “perfect,” or “pulled together.” The origins of this language appear to lie in vulgar dialects which were organized and codified, first into Vedic Sanskrit and later into a more modern form around 500 BCE. TRANSLATE
21. Several Indian languages including Bengali and Hindi are descended from Sanskrit, and while the language is not widely spoken in India today, there __________________ some movements to revive spoken forms, and the influences of this language can be seen on many levels of Indian culture and across Southeast Asia. BE
What is Rigveda?
22. The Rigveda is an ancient Sanskrit text which __________________ sacred to followers of the Hindu religion. CONSIDER
23. This text is part of a larger family of religious texts known collectively as the Vedas; together, the Vedas form the cornerstone of Hindu belief, __________________ the mythology of the religion, the roles of the assorted Hindu gods, and detailing various rituals which should be performed by pious Hindus. EXPLAIN
24. The first written version appears to have emerged around 1500 BCE, with most scholars arguing that the Rigveda had been passed down orally for centuries before it __________________. WRITE
25. The Rigveda is the oldest of the Vedas. All of the Vedas __________________ during a period in Indian history which is known as the Vedic Period. Dating of the Vedic Period varies, but it is generally defined as lasting between 1500 BCE and 184 BCE.
How similar is ancient Greek to modern Greek?
26. Modern Greek (demotic) has a simplified grammar and accents and the vocabulary has naturally changed over time, but the _________________ core of the language is the same BASE
27. So a speaker of modern Greek can usually get the gist of an ancient text, although trying to translate may often lead to tragic __________________ . INTERPRET
28 Attic or Hellenistic («koine») Greek texts are of course much __________________ than archaic Greek (f.e. Homer). EASY
29. Modern Greek speakers, even if they have managed to __________________ miss learning Ancient in school, have a couple of additional resources that help with their ability to comprehend Ancient. COMPLETE
30. The truth is, Ancient Greek, just like Latin, and __________________ Old English, exists all over the written and spoken word. LIKE
31. And it’s encountered often enough that some __________________ in it would have been maintained even without schooling.